CoRe Capital is a Private Equity Capital Management Company with a clear ambition: to contribute to the productivity and value creation of the national economy. The sector of small and medium-sized national companies, which sustains the Portuguese economy,is a central pillar of development whose fragility in the face of adverse scenarios, in particular given the lack of capital and its small size, require effective responses for robust growth.
CoRe Capital develops investment funds focused on the productive application of capital for growth, acting through its experience and investing in assets that benefit from growth processes and the expansion and consolidation of the business fabric through the development of new business areas and new products, restructuring of their business models and professionalization and strengthening of management teams.
The CoRe Restart I Fund, registered with the CMVM in 2018, selected industrial SMEs pressured by excessive debt, lack of liquidity and poor management whose business models are solidly oriented to the international market, investing their investors’ money in restarting their successes.
Rua Cova da Moura nº 2, 1º andar
1350-118 Lisboa
Chamada para a rede fixa nacional
CoRe Capital is a Private Equity Management Company with a clear ambition: to contribute to success of the Portuguese economy.
Copyright 2024 © CoRe Capital